Bicycle pumps (E1)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enBicycle pumpsschema for bicycle pumps in a cityZAPedit
svCykelpumparcykelpumpar utplacerade i en stadedit
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>

# Project see 

start = @<bicyclepumps>
<bicyclepumps> EXTRA wdt:P31 {
 wdt:P17    .* ; # country 
 wdt:P131  .+ ; # Administrative unit
 wdt:P625  .+ ; # coordinates
 wdt:P18    .* ; # picture of the pump
 wdt:P137  .* ; # operator
 wdt:P1716 .* ; # brand of the pump
 wdt:P571  .* ; # year of construction

# Missing 
# Maintained by organisation
# Open Street Map relation id
# How to error report it