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Revision as of 08:11, 11 June 2023 by Salgo60 (talk | contribs)
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På kommunernas anslagstavlor anges vad som skall diskuteras etc...

Se vidare

diskuterat på community.dataportal.se vad saknas, varför blir det så dumt, ingen pratar designmönster

SPARQL federation

Exempel SPARQL


PREFIX wb: <https://sweopendata.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX wbt: <https://sweopendata.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>

SELECT ?rLabel ?video ?coord ?img ?wdQ ?svWikipedia WHERE {
  VALUES  ?AnslagsTavla {wb:Q240}
   ?r wbt:P2 ?AnslagsTavla .
   ?r wbt:P11 ?video.
  ?r wbt:P1 ?wdQ
  BIND(URI(concat("http://www.wikidata.org/entity/",?wdQ)) AS ?wikidata_iri)
 SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql> {
    ?wikidata_iri wdt:P625 ?coord.
   OPTIONAL { ?wikidata_iri wdt:P41 ?flag }
   OPTIONAL { ?wikidata_iri wdt:P94 ?coat }
   OPTIONAL { ?wikidata_iri wdt:P154 ?logo }
   OPTIONAL { ?wikidata_iri wdt:P18 ?image }  
   BIND( COALESCE(?flag, ?coat, ?logo, ?image) as ?img )
      ?svWikipedia schema:about ?wikidata_iri .
      ?svWikipedia schema:inLanguage "sv" .
      ?svWikipedia schema:isPartOf <https://sv.wikipedia.org/> .
	SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv,en". }

Try it!


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